Shellie: By 1:00 today we had lost and recovered one blackberry, one camera, AND the jeep keys (the sunglasses remain at large), but none of that could dampen our enthusiasm!
River: Spastic. That's the only word that comes to mind when Shellie couldn't find her very fine Nikon camera and I couldn't find the jeep keys - which by the way were in Shellie's bag where I had been digging to find something else.
Shellie: Here we are at The Famous Loveless Cafe, (who also donated some great jams for a giveaway at one of the bookstore visits) breaking bread with fellow writer and word people. I’m NOT going to try and name these wonderful folks. Rivuh is in this ginormous mall somewhere and I’m posting from Starbucks and just as sure as I try, I’m gonna mess up. Can I just say they were all precious—precious! Yes, I may have teared up when it came my time to introduce myself and tell a little about me and what it is I do, especially since River was smiling at me across the table with some sorta twisted proud parent look like, “You tell ‘em, buddy.” I’ll let River add the names later! Please note that my priorities were straight. There are a number of pics toward the end of the food, first the legendary biscuits in the making and then one of River’s plate and another of River enduring me taking a pic of her plate. The last couple shots are of our wonderful waiter and host—a fine example of southern hospitality. We enjoyed it, Loveless!
Oh—and by the way—watch for us on the Food Network. Yep—there was film crew there and we just “happened” to get in the shot.
River: Okay - I can't even figure out how to put names under the pictures so here goes. Obviously there are a few shots of me and Shellie doing that WE WERE HERE moment, and then the group shot - in order: Me, Brenda McClain, Shellie, Denise Mitchell, Jolina Petershiem, Ginna Foster (newly married and forgive me for not remembering your beautiful additional name), Denise Hildreth, Darnell Arnoult, and Tom Kimmel. (And everyone forgive the wrong spellings of everything. Can barely see. Must still get it together and get on the road for Nashville.
Then you have- great foodie pics, Shellie telling me - Take a picture of your plate River - and the wonderful people who took care of us at the Loveless - Beth and Randy! Thanks guys for making it such a delightful lunch.
On the road again,
River and Shellie
Great blog..Ladies, What I want to say to all our beautiful people of the south.. Priceless!